Results for 'Dimitri C. Dracopoulos'

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  1.  43
    Neurocontrol: Recent advances and links with the human brain. [REVIEW]Dimitri C. Dracopoulos - 1997 - AI and Society 11 (1-2):63-75.
    One of the aims in the AI research, is to understand the principles and mechanisms of intelligence in the human brain. Definitely the brain is a neurocontroller, a collection of neurons which learn to output the right actions or decisions over time. This paper describes recent neurocontrol designs which are considered the state-of-the-art for intelligent control and their plausibility as models of the human brain.
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    Prolonging Life: An Orthodox Christian Perspective.C. Dimitri - 1997 - Christian Bioethics 3 (3):204-221.
    While Orthodox Christianity does not find explicit statements about the morality of prolonging life in the usual doctrinal sources, the Scriptures and the Fathers of the Church, there are elements in Tradition which bear upon the issue. These include Orthodox spirituality's emphasis on the “wholeness” of the human person, its liturgical and synergistic view of human life, and its understanding of our moral ambiguity as fallen human beings in a fallen world. This last point, in particular, means that we do (...)
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    Excavations at New Testament Jericho and Khirbet en-Nitla.Ray L. Cleveland, James L. Kelso & Dimitri C. Baramki - 1960 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 80 (2):148.
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    Finite element analysis of the demagnetization effect and stress inhomogeneities in magnetic shape memory alloy samples.Krishnendu Haldar, Björn Kiefer & Dimitris C. Lagoudas - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (32):4126-4157.
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    Scroll culture and authoritarian populism: how Turkish and Greek online news aggravate ‘refugee crisis’ tensions.Lyndon C. S. Way & Dimitris Serafis - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (6):643-664.
    Contentious relations between Türkiye and Greece can be traced back centuries to conflicts such as Ottoman Turks conquering Istanbul which was the centre of the Byzantine Empire in 1453 and the 182...
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  6. K.C. Bhattacharyya and spontaneous liberation in Sāṃkhya.Dimitry Shevchenko - 2023 - In Elise Coquereau-Saouma & Daniel Raveh, The Making of Contemporary Indian Philosophy: Krishnachandra Bhattacharyya. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Expectations and Attitudes Toward Gender-Based Price Discrimination.O. C. Ferrell, Dimitri Kapelianis, Linda Ferrell & Lynzie Rowland - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (4):1015-1032.
    This study explores consumer expectations and attitudes related to gender-based price discrimination. Although much research has focused on pay inequalities and gender diversity, considerably less attention has been focused on situations in which men and women are charged different prices based on gender. In two studies, expectations and attitudes toward gender-based price discrimination are examined. In Study 1, two scenarios related to prices at hair salon and dry cleaning services were manipulated to measure expectations and attitudes toward gender-based price discrimination. (...)
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    (1 other version)Index of Authors of Volume 12.D. Ahn, G. Ben-Avi, D. Ben Shalom, Ph Besnard, K. Borthen, C. Caleiro, W. A. Carnielli, M. E. Coniglio, R. Cooper & N. Dimitri - 2003 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 12 (531):531.
  9. The C** Word: Covid-19 and Calculation.Dimitris Vardoulakis - 2020 - The Philosophical Salon.
    Calculation is omnipresent in the current pandemic. And yet, Continental philosophers never talk about calculation: it seems to be the c** of philosophy. Why is that so? Has it always been like that?
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    Certainty, Doubt, Error: Comments On the Epistemological Foundations of Medieval Arabic Science.Dimitri Gutas - 2002 - Early Science and Medicine 7 (3):276-288.
    The article comments on the epistemological foundations of medieval Arabic science and philosophy, as presented in five earlier communications, and attempts to draw some guidelines for the study of its social history. At the very beginning the notion of "Islam" is discounted as a meaningful explanatory category for historical investigation. A first part then looks at the applied sciences and notes three major characteristics of their epistemological approach: they were functionalist and based on experience and observation. The second part looks (...)
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  11.  34
    Natural Liberation in the Sāṃkhyakārikā and Its Commentaries.Dimitry Shevchenko - 2017 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 45 (5):863-892.
    The subject of this article is the concept of natural liberation in classical Sāṃkhya. On the basis of the Sāṃkhyakārikā by Īśvarakṛṣṇa and its traditional commentaries, I will attempt to demonstrate that liberation from suffering in Sāṃkhya is not the result of rational inquiry—the prevailing view among contemporary scholars. The Sāṃkhya does not necessarily prescribe yogic practice as argued by other scholars. Instead, I will defend a position expressed by K.C. Bhattacharyya and Frank R. Podgorski, according to which liberation in (...)
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    Rhetoric and double hermeneutics in the human sciences.Dimitri Ginev - 1998 - Human Studies 21 (3):259-271.
    Based on an analysis of double hermeneutics in the human sciences, a distinction between a weak and a strong rhetorical analysis of human-scientific research is introduced, taking account of the self-reflective character of hermeneutic interpretation. The paper argues that there are three hermeneutic topics in the research process for human-scientific experience, which are associated with applying specific rhetorical tools. The three topics are described under the following rubrics: (a) bridging the gap between experience-near and experience-distant concepts; (b) achieving integrity of (...)
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  13.  28
    Satyr-Play in the Statesman and the Unity of Plato’s Trilogy.Dimitri El Murr - 2023 - Phronesis 68 (2):127-166.
    At Statesman (Plt.) 291a–c and 303c–d, Plato compares the so-called statesmen of all existing constitutions to a motley crew of lions, centaurs, satyrs, and other beasts, and the entire section of the Statesman devoted to law and constitutions (291c–303c) to a satyr-play of sorts. This paper argues that these thought-provoking images are best understood as literary devices which, in addition to other dramatic elements in the Theaetetus and Sophist, help to bolster the unity of the Theaetetus-Sophist-Statesman trilogy and its apologetic (...)
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    The Political Vocation of Post-Metaphysical Hermeneutics: On Vattimo's Leftist Heideggerianism and Postmodern Socialism.Dimitri Ginev - 2010 - Critical Horizons 11 (2):243-264.
    The paper examines the sense in which Gianni Vattimo’s story of a long goodbye of modernity along with an interminable weakening of Being inaugurates a leftist philosophico-political project. The hermeneutics of “weak thought” is criticized for (a) its ambiguous concept of interpretation; (b) its way of integrating proceduralism in post-metaphysical philosophizing; and (c) the unhappy marriage it promotes between nihilism and emancipation. Finally, a philosophico-political version of hermeneutic ontology based on the idea of situated transcendence is suggested as an alternative (...)
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  15. « Le plus grand logicien du vingtième siècle » : la liberté selon Derrida.Dimitris Vardoulakis - 2014 - Rue Descartes 82 (3):145-148.
    J’ai découvert l’oeuvre de Jacques Derrida quand j’étais étudiant dans un département de philosophie analytique. L’un de mes professeurs – un spécialiste du positivisme – parlait d’un philosophe français comme du « plus grand logicien du vingtième siècle ». Ce philosophe français, c’était Derrida. -/- J’aimerais prendre au sérieux cette assertion, en la mettant à l’épreuve d’une rencontre entre la conception philosophique occidentale de la liberté et la logique derridienne. Rencontre que je propose de mettre en scène sous la forme (...)
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    On Pragmatic Approaches of Scientific Representation – Points of Criticism.Dimitris Kilakos - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 62:71-74.
    Taking user’s role and features as milestones for an approach on scientific representation has become a growing trend. We shall investigate the implications that pragmatics bring in the relevant debate. Proponents of pragmatic approaches support that questions such as ‘how an object represents another’ or ‘which features of a certain object represent the target of the representation and in what way’ can be answered only within the given context of representation’s use. Thus, attention is drawn to the intentionality of the (...)
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    Les outils de potier de l'atelier de Figaretto à Corfou.Stella Démesticha & Dimitris Kourkoumélis - 1997 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 121 (2):553-571.
    The excavation of a ceramic workshop in the region of the ancient town of Corfu brought to light many elements connected with ceramic production. The workshop was in operation from the 5th to the 3rd c. BC. Among the remains of vases and other objects was a large number of small objects, chiefly of bronze and bone. A group of thirty-seven objects was identified, which could hâve been used by the potters and painters of the workshop as tools. A comparison (...)
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    Raison et politique : Jean-Pierre Vernant et la polis Grecque.Dimitri El Murr - 2007 - Cahiers Philosophiques 112 (4):66-90.
    Même si bon nombre de ses travaux ont porté sur l’interprétation des mythes grecs fondateurs, Vernant a consacré la première partie de sa carrière à l’étude de la naissance de la polis et de la démocratie grecques. Contre l’idée d’un surgissement miraculeux de la Raison en Ionie au VI e siècle avant notre ère, Vernant a montré ce que la conception grecque de la rationalité hérite du monde homérique mais surtout ce qu’elle doit aux structures sociales et politiques de la (...)
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    The role of ATF‐2 in oncogenesis.Spiros A. Vlahopoulos, Stella Logotheti, Dimitris Mikas, Athina Giarika, Vassilis Gorgoulis & Vassilis Zoumpourlis - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (4):314-327.
    Activating Transcription Factor-2 is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein that belongs to the bZIP family of proteins and plays diverse roles in the mammalian cells. In response to stress stimuli, it activates a variety of gene targets including cyclin A, cyclin D and c-jun, which are involved in oncogenesis in various tissue types. ATF-2 expression has been correlated with maintenance of a cancer cell phenotype. However, other studies demonstrate an antiproliferative or apoptotic role for ATF-2. In this review, we summarize the (...)
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  20.  10
    Dimitri El Murr, Savoir et gouverner, Essai sur la science politique platonicienne.Fulcran Teisserenc - 2015 - Philosophie Antique 15:262-265.
    Dans cet ouvrage, Dimitri El Murr reprend la question posée par Platon – et, depuis, à l’horizon de toutes nos institutions politiques –, des rapports entre savoir et pouvoir, en réexaminant la portée et les analyses du Politique, contribution majeure de la réflexion platonicienne à ce problème. Que le savoir soit en lui-même un pouvoir, c’est ce que Socrate soutenait dans le Protagoras et le Gorgias, mais ce pouvoir restait celui de l’âme sur elle-même et sa conduite. À partir (...)
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    Theophrastus of Eresus: Sources for His Life, Writings, Thought, and Influence by William W. Fortenbaugh; Pamela M. Huby; Robert W. Sharples; Dimitri Gutas; Andrew D. Barker; John J. Keaney; David C. Mirhady; David Sedley; Michael G. Sollenberger. [REVIEW]G. Lloyd - 1995 - Isis 86:95-96.
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    The Periodic Table, Its Story and Its Significance.Eric R. Scerri - 2007 - New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    The periodic table of the elements is one of the most powerful icons in science: a single document that captures the essence of chemistry in an elegant pattern. Indeed, nothing quite like it exists in biology or physics, or any other branch of science, for that matter. One sees periodic tables everywhere: in industrial labs, workshops, academic labs, and of course, lecture halls. It is sometimes said that chemistry has no deep ideas, unlike physics, which can boast quantum mechanics and (...)
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    La philosophie naturelle de l'esprit humain.Benoît-Marie Simon - 2013 - Paris: Pierre Téqui éditeur.
    Avant de s'emparer de ce qu'elle sait, ou croit savoir, pour élaborer des théories, l'intelligence, lorsqu'elle s'éveille, est d'abord frappée par des évidences qui s'imposent à elle. A ce moment-là, l'intelligence est saisie, donc elle sort d'elle-même en s'ouvrant à la réalité, et elle en est consciente. Bref, elle tient une vérité. En même temps, ces lumières n'expliquent pas tout ;par conséquent, elles suscitent, tout naturellement, des questions. De là va naître ce que, à la suite de saint Thomas d'Aquin, (...)
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  24. The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche.C. G. Jung - unknown
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    ABD’deki İslam ve İslam Felsefesi Çalışmalarına Genel Bir Bakış.Yunus Kaplan - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):563-579.
    Sahip olduğu akademik imkânların ve başta İngilizce olmak üzere birçok dilde uluslararası yayınların çokluğu nedeniyle Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’ndeki İslam çalışmaları yoğun, üretken ve dünya genelinde ilgiyle takip edilen bir alandır. Ancak Batı’daki üniversitelerin genelinde olduğu gibi Amerikan üniversitelerinde de İslam felsefesi/tarihi çalışmaları oldukça zayıftır. Bu makalede öncelikle geçmişten günümüze İslam çalışmalarının ABD’deki durumu tasviri bir metotla ortaya konulmakta ve İslam Felsefesinin ABD’deki İslam çalışmaları içerisindeki zayıf konumu sorgulanmaktadır. İkinci olarak Post-Oryantalist süreçte İslam Felsefesi çalışmalarında öne çıkan isimler ve çalışmaları değerlendirilmektedir. (...)
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  26. Robert J. Sternberg Todd I. Lubart James C. Kaufman Jean E. Pretz.James C. Kaufman - 2005 - In K. Holyoak & B. Morrison, The Cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. pp. 351.
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  27. Informed Consent, the Placebo Effect and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.C. Blease - 2015 - In Thomas Schramme, New Perspectives on Paternalism and Health Care. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  28. Russellian intensional logic.C. Anthony Anderson - 1989 - In Joseph Almog, John Perry & Howard Wettstein, Themes From Kaplan. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 67--103.
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  29. The Metaphysics of Science: Atoms Versus Plena.C. A. Hooker - 1974 - International Logic Review 5:111-46.
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  30. Dialectics, Dialogue and Argumentation: An Examination of Douglas Walton's Theories of Reasoning and Argument.C. Tindale & C. Reed (eds.) - 2010 - College Publications.
  31. The Role of Women in Plato's Republic.C. C. W. Taylor - 2012 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy:75-87.
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    Greek Wisdom Literature in Arabic Translation: A Study of the Graeco-Arabic Gnomologia.Georg Krotkoff & Dimitri Gutas - 1978 - American Journal of Philology 99 (2):273.
  33. Naturalistic challenges to the a priori.C. S. I. Jenkins - 2013 - In Albert Casullo & Joshua C. Thurow, The a Priori in Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
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  34. Links, Loops, and the Global Structure of Science.C. U. Moulines - 1984 - Philosophia Naturalis 21 (2/4):254-265.
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  35. .C. F. - manuscript
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  36. Phenomenology of Religion and the Art of Story-Telling: The Relevance of William Golding'S ‘The Inheritors’ To Religious Studies*: C. J. ARTHUR.C. J. Arthur - 1987 - Religious Studies 23 (1):59-79.
    One of the most extensive yet least conclusive methodological debates within religious studies revolves around the question of what, precisely, the phenomenology of religion is and what contribution it can make to the study of religion. I do not intend to answer this important question here. To do so satisfactorily would require a range of historical, philosophical and methodological inquiry which would go quite beyond the bounds of a single article. My intention in this paper is, by comparison, unambitious. It (...)
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  37. The Ground and Nature of the Right.C. I. Lewis - 1955 - Philosophy 32 (122):279-280.
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    Aspectus Et Affectus: Essays and Editions in Grosseteste and Medieval Intellectual Life in Honor of Richard C. Dales.Richard C. Dales - 1993 - Ams Pressinc.
    The 65th year of a scholar who has devoted 40 years to editing and elucidating Robert Grosseteste provides us with a collection of essays. Not surprisingly, they emanate from colleagues and former students of Richard Dales and reflect his interest, among other concerns, in Grosseteste's aspectus et affectus - range of vision and disposition of mind - those twin peaks with which the 13th century thinker helped to get Christian thought through Aristotle without mutual destruction.
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  39. Lire Ernst Troeltsch en France aujourd'hui: Science des religions ou théologie?C. Froidevaux - 2000 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 88 (2):213-222.
    La réception tardive de l'oeuvre de Ernst Troeltsch en France nous a privés d'une analyse du christianisme originale et féconde. Elle nuance et enrichit ce que nous savons, au travers de la réflexion wébérienne notamment, des relations de la religion chrétienne à la modernité. Contre les interprétations usuelles qui datent l'émergence de cette dernière de la Renaissance et de la Réforme, Troeltsch insiste sur la centralité des Lumières comme marquant la fin de la civilisation ecclésiastique ; c'es l'évanouissement de la (...)
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  40. 11 c-flumazenil positron emission tomography demonstrates reduction of both global and local cerebral benzodiazepine receptor binding in a patient with stiff person syndrome.N. Galldiks, A. Thiel, C. Haense, G. R. Fink & R. Hilker - 2008 - Journal of Neurology 255 (9).
    Stiff Person Syndrome is a rare autoimmune disorder associated with antibodies against glutamic acid decarboxylase, the key enzyme in γ -aminobutyric acid synthesis. In order to investigate the role of cerebral benzodiazepinereceptor binding in SPS, we performed [ 11 C]flumazenil positron emission tomography in a female patient with SPS compared to nine healthy controls. FMZ is a radioligand to the postsynaptic central benzodiazepine receptor which is co-localized with the GABA-A receptor. In the SPS patient, we found a global reduction of (...)
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    Cognitivism și reprezentaționalism: filosofia analitică a lui Arthur C. Danto.Gabriel C. Gherasim - 2012 - Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană.
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    What is a Theory of Consciousness for?C. Fields - 2021 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 28 (9-10):104-115.
    Galileo's Error (Goff, 2019) leaves important questions unasked and hence unanswered. I focus on two of these: the question of what a theory of consciousness is supposed to accomplish, and the question of what the materialismâ–“dualismâ–“panpsychism debate is actually about.
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  43. The Evolution of Human Nature.C. Judson Herrick - 1957 - Science and Society 21 (4):353-359.
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    A new movement in France.C. P. Blacker - 1957 - The Eugenics Review 48 (4):213.
  45. Independent replication of the 12mG magnetic field effect on melatonin and MCF-7 cells in vitro.C. F. Blackman, S. G. Benane & J. P. de HouseBlanchard - 1996 - 18th Annual Bioelectromagnetics Society Meeting, June, Vancouver, Canada. Abstract Ai 2.
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    Positive eugenics: a proposal.C. P. Blacker - 1946 - The Eugenics Review 38 (1):25.
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  47. La Psicología Platónica de la Acción a la luz de la relación República-Filebo.Gabriela Silva C. - 2009 - Apuntes Filosóficos 19 (34).
    La posibilidad de sentar las bases para una psicología platónica de la acción puede ser abordada desde la perspectiva de la conexión entre la doctrina del alma tripartita de República y la psicología del placer del Filebo. A la luz de dicha conexión, la noción del alma como fuente del deseo se constituye en factor determinante de nuestro carácter personal y nuestra forma de actuar, lo que hace posible construir una tipología de hombre basada en la primacía de una parte (...)
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  48. Il mestiere del filosofo oggi.C. Sini, S. Veca & Ca Viano - 1986 - Rivista di Filosofia 77 (2):389-412.
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  49. A Modal analysis of some phenomena in child psychology.C. Steinsvold & R. Parikh - forthcoming - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.
  50. The evolution of immortality.C. [Hester] T.[Witchell] Stockwell - 1906 - Boston,: J. H. West company.
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